
Sightseeing marathon with my mom


Yeah, you read correctly, my mom visited me in Shanghai; we spend so nice four days together. And sorry for not posting that long, the reason for is a mixture of nothing interesting happening and then not having time to write. So, I need to start that post with the Friday before my mum came. During the day I was at work as usual. In the evening there was our schools monthly welcome party with beer pong competition. And I was like, I’m going to go there, but after the party at school, I go home. (I had to be at Pudong Airport at 7 the next morning for picking up my mom and it takes more than 1 hour to go there, so).

But then when the party was about to end around eleven, I spoke with one of my friends who lives like 3 minutes away from me and we were like ‘We’re going to go there but at 1 latest we’ll call a Did to go home’ While the three in this sentence means Cafe des stagers which celebrated its one-year anniversaries. So, the whole group of 15 students paired up and tried to call did is or get cabs at the street to go there, but it was too busy and when we didn’t get any after 15 min we decided to go to Zapata’s, which is in walking distance from school. I wasn’t that sure how I find that decision as Zapata’s is more a outside bar with dance floor inside and I had my laptop with me. But yeah, we went there, had a really great time, I kind of lost my friend, we met again at like half past one and decided to party on.

When we finally decided to go home click here it was four and we were six people, one saying I guess I can walk home from here, one living way too far away, two living on the way to my home and Polin living 3 minutes away. I then decided to first walk Chris back home as I don’t leave people alone, who aren’t 100% sure about how to get home, and Jamie and the other Chris did so too, while Virginia and Polin got home. After arriving there I called a did, we set Jamie of at her place and Chris (who lives way too far) came to my place. It was then 5 in the morning, so I showed him the empty room at the apartment (someone else was already sleeping at our couch), took a shower and went to the airport.

On the way to the airport, I closed my eyes for a while, but I wouldn’t count that as sleep though. Anyway, when my mom finally came out, I was near to tears as I didn’t see here for three and a half months. We then took the Maglev (Magnetic levitation, fucking fast train that shortens the way back to town for half an hour) and went to her hotel.

She couldn’t check in yet, but she left her luggage and we went to the Marriage-Market at Peoples Square. There are Chinese parents searching for the perfect match for her daughters or sons. They do so by putting a paper with facts about them on umbrellas. There are no pics of the persons, but information’s like birthdates and even salary (I wasn’t able to read a lot of the stuff though).

Jack Zoe
the authorJack Zoe