
Visiting Krabi With The Family During The Thai Holiday Of Songkran


If you are travelling with your family to Krabi during Songkran, the Thai New Year holiday, you can ensure that you all have an excellent time if you plan your trip carefully. Songkran is a national holiday popular with tourists as it is also a perfect way to cool down. The festival’s Buddhist roots have people washing away the sins of the previous year with water, which has now turned into a massive country-wide water fight. Below are some of the factors to consider when booking your family holiday to Krabi to ensure that you have a fantastic time, with many excellent memories to take home.

Choosing The Best Hotel & Resort

There are many Krabi luxury resorts you can choose when you are looking for the perfect place to stay for your holiday. You will want to ensure that you are close to the main streets where all the fun will be happening, but still close enough to the beach and other amenities. You may also wish to select a hotel with a private swimming pool and restaurant, which will give you some respite from all the fun going on outside. Songkran only lasts for three days, so you will have to consider what you want to do after the celebrations finish, and Krabi has lots to offer.

Enjoying The Fun During Songkran

If you go out on the streets during Songkran, there is a high possibility that you are going to get wet, so you will need to be prepared. You can find waterproof pouches that you can use to keep your phone and your wallet safe during the games, and you may wish to take a backpack that you can put everyone’s belongings in. Ensure that you have plenty of drinking water and bring your sunblock as the sun will be intense at this time of year. The first day of Songkran in Krabi is usually the liveliest, but it may be possible to stay dry if you are careful. If you stay away from the hot spots and ask politely for people not to splash you, they will often adhere to your wishes, but do not take any chances and ensure you precious belongings are protected from the water, just in case.

Other Things To Do

You will find that some businesses will close during Songkran for a few days, but there are still plenty of bars, restaurants, and excursions that you can enjoy. There is an abundance of delicious seafood restaurants where you can eat and lots of small cafes and bars where you can pass a few hours. You can also go on one of the many trips and excursions available, such as Fossil Beach, experiencing the local wildlife, the Hot Springs, or going on an island-hopping adventure. There is something for everyone in Krabi and Songkran is an excellent time to visit, which will help ensure you and your family go home with some fantastic memories of your trip.

Jack Zoe
the authorJack Zoe